You may ask, "If you feel that you are a girl, how come you don't like men as lovers? And if you admit that you do, that makes you homosexual. But does it? It is nice to look and act so exactly like a girl that men can fall in love with you. But then one may say there is really no such thing as homosexualism--that one men- ber is always psychically male and the other psychical- ly female.
Yes, I do like to hug and kiss other true transvesti- tes, and examine their pretty clothes, but this is so to speak, on the understanding that they are girls, not men. However, my real darlings are the dear, dear girls them- selves.
I can't answer all the questions, and that last one seems to be the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question. And here is another; If I love a girl am I a lesbian? Did I hear anyone suggest that transvestites was a simple thing?
Can we believe that beautiful idea of Plato, so well expressed by Wordsworth in the fifth verse of his Ode On Intimations of Immortality that we were born with God before we were born on earth? Can we believe that love is of the spirit, not of the body and is for all toward all?
I do not wish to become sentimental or religious in this little article, but I never feel so near to God as when I wear girl's clothes.
Spirit (or the non-religious let us say some essential element in man) may have no sex, so that all may love all. Love becomes sexual only when certain sex elements including thoughts are present. Just as you can reach a distant town by airplane, train or automobile so you can reach love by various sex-means, but the love is the
Let me conclude with Socrates: "All I know is that I know